Chapter 3
SELF-Sufficient or Servant of All

God’s Word says that we are His body, one body, very dependent on each other to function harmoniously, not INdependently from one another. Our true dependence is on Him, being the branches as He is the vine! Apart from Him, we can do nothing. As one body, He showed us we are happiest when we serve, not focusing on ourSELF and SELFsufficiency but for true happiness being a servant of all. A wonderful way to serve is by doing your family's laundry. 

Erin always enjoyed serving her large family of nine and while on their farm, she did the family’s laundry since she was a worker@home and the laundry room was connected to her office. And the way she has been able to keep a grateful and thankful heart when she is becoming weary in whatever she does is to always go to Him and ask Him to remind her of someone else who has it worse than she does. Often she recalled how God had reminded her of the millions of people in the world who don’t have a washer and must walk miles to wash their clothes in streams or other bodies of water! So anytime you need anything, go to God and ask Him.

What’s wonderful too is that you’re never too young to serve your family. Erin’s daughter, Tara who you will remember from Horses Hoped For (who has traveled all over the world meeting and ministering to women and who co-wrote A Wise Woman in Waiting for young women who are not yet married but long to be) began serving when she was very, very young! Tara began doing her family’s laundry when she was just 3-years-old!! 

One day Erin noticed Tara on top of the washer but before telling her to get down, she watched her reaching in, grabbing some wet laundry, then sliding down and putting it into the dryer! Then Tara climbed back up and started the dryer. But before pushing the basketful of clean laundry into the living room, Tara started a new load of laundry for their family of 8 (since Macy wasn’t born yet). It was Tara’s older sister who taught her and ever since this time—Tara loves to minister and serve others!!   

So as His Princess, offer to serve others—offer to do the laundry for your family or another task where He leads you to serve! God says that if we want to be first, we need to be last and be a servant of all. God says to find the greatest among you, look for the one who always serves others. Is that you?

Now, stop to relax, grab your coffee or cold beverage, and talk to the Lord, your Maker, and ask Him questions. Listen to what He's telling you in your heart. Then when He leads you—pour your heart into your journal, writing down what you've learned

Post your Praise 🥳

From GOD, Your Father!!

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